Looking back at 2023 of the Behaviour Change & Wellbeing group – it’s been a good year


⭐ We published well over 20 articles and chapters on e. g. COVID and protective behaviours, complexity science and behavior change, process evaluation of physical activity interventions, use of behavior change techniques, and various other topics – and of course pre-prints, too!


⭐ In two research projects (MotiStyleSport and CitizenShield), we completed intervention process evaluations of newly developed training programmes, now successfully moving on to next phases: More large scale evaluation of optimised interventions (funding pending)!


⭐ The CitizenShield project had its closing seminar, but there’s dire need for popularisation of the findings, and hence the work continues! 


⭐ We have completed a pre-test of the Taitava intervention,  focusing on improving motivational interviewing skills among social workers – next, moving on to intervention phase in 2024.


⭐ We enjoyed wonderful visitors, for example Karoline Villinger from the University of Zurich!


⭐ We presented in conferences, including the Finnish Social Psychology Conference and the Self-Determination Theory Conference.


⭐ We contributed to Prime Minister’s Office behavioural science research review (https://vnk.fi/kayttaytymistieteellinen-toiminta).


⭐ Again, our group hosted the monthly Behaviour Change Network Finland research seminar (link to programme Seminar – Behaviour Change), to be continued in 2024!


⭐ Three students completed their master’s theses using our project data, 7 more are working on their projects – and we welcomed 10 new master’s students to write their Master’s theses using data from our research projects! 


⭐ We taught our course related to Motivation and Behavior Change online to a cohort of almost 30 social psychology students (Kaisa & Matti), and Virtual Exchange Seminar focusing on the development and evaluation of digital behaviour change interventions from Tampere University and the University of Bern (Olga).


⭐ An inaugural two-day EHPS Winter School in 2023, which was focused on Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions and held in Leuven (Belgium), was facilitated by Olga.


…and now it’s time to have a relaxing break!

We wish you all very happy holidays!


Some of our publications and preprints from 2023:

Heino, M. T. J., Bilodeau, S., Fox, G., Gershenson, C., & Bar-Yam, Y. (2023). Crafting Policies for an Interconnected World. WHN Science Communications, 4(10), 1–1. https://doi.org/10.59454/whn-2310-348


Kilponen, A., Puolamäki, M., Palsola, M., Renko, E., & Hankonen, N. (2023). Motivoiva vuorovaikutustyyli: Vaikuttavan liikunnan edistämisen kulmakivi. LIITO (3).


Knittle, K., Fidrich, C., & Hankonen, N. (2023). Self-enactable techniques to influence basic psychological needs and regulatory styles within self-determination theory: An expert opinion study. Acta Psychologica, 240, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.104017.


Palsola, M., Absetz, P., Potthoff, S., Puolamäki, M., Lintunen, T., & Hankonen, N. (2023). Using behaviour change science in changing motivational interaction behaviours: Stepwise development of the MotiStyleSport intervention. (preprint). https://osf.io/qt7aj


Perski, O., Copeland, A., Allen, J., Pavel, M., Rivera, D. E., Hekler, E., Hankonen, N., & Chevance, G. (2023). The iterative development and refinement of health psychology theories through formal, dynamical systems modelling: Protocol for a scoping review and “best practice” recommendations. https://osf.io/7htkd/ (pre-registered review protocol)


Pietilä, M., Saurio, K., Martela, F., Silfver, M., & Hankonen, N. (2023). Basic psychological needs, quality of motivation, and protective behavior intentions: a nationally representative survey study. Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 11(1), 2257295.


Renko, E., Karvinen, C. & Hankonen N. (2023). How can professionals adopt more motivational behaviours? Experienced facilitators and challenges of practicing motivational interaction. https://osf.io/quwh2/


Renko, E., Klockars, S., Stenius, M. & Hankonen, N. (2023). Managing of one’s own work motivation: employees’ experiences of using self-motivational techniques. https://osf.io/aw2qx


Aulbach, M., Puukko, S., Palsola, M., Haukkala, A., Sund, R., Vasankari, T. & Hankonen, N. (2023) How does a school-based intervention impact students’ social cognitions on reducing sedentary behavior over 14 months?, Psychology, Health & Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2023.2285734


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